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Brainspotting with Children and Adolescents Peer Book Review Session 1

Thanks so much to Kristin Tenuta for hosting for me today. Huge round of applause!!! She is a natural... much love.

Please forward and share with those who were not able to attend!

The zoom session was taped so if you missed the live session please go back and take a look.

We had a great time supporting each other.

Looking forward to next time...

Blessings on your week!

Holly St.Pierre

Brainspotting with Children and Adolescents

Peer Book Review



Best thing about working with littles

Most Challenging working with littles

Case Support Q &A

Book Discussion

Self Care goal for the month

Next meeting:


2/26 11-1 Eastern discuss 64-102

3/26 11-1 Eastern discuss 103-152

4/23 11-12:30 Eastern peer support 12:30-1:30 Author Chat with Monika Baumann

Web Ex link:

Holly St Pierre's Personal Room

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Meeting number

126 325 3674


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Discussion Questions:

  1. On page 26, how can you relate to the visual-orientation picture- in your personal experience with brainspotting

  2. How have you seen it implemented

  3. When do you begin to attune to your client?

  4. On page 31 the Author discusses the challenge. What are special ways you engage, perceive, empathize, connect?

  5. How do you normalize and validate your clients?

  6. Do you have a special way to teach children and families about BSP?

  7. Which metaphor from the author resonates well with you?

  8. Share an example of spontaneous BSP with young clients success/challenges.

  9. How have you overcome the challenges of clients refusing to use BSP?

  10. Share your take on the visuals on page 43-45: the loving couple. How do you implement this in your daily sessions?

  11. On page 47/48, the author states something of importance and refers to Dr. Grand. What is your go to phrase, question, mantra, that helps in duel attunement with your young clients?

  12. How and when in the process do you attempt “neocortical processes” with your clients?

  13. What are some of your go tos to help young clients identify the brain body felt sense connection?

  14. Pg 58, the author challenges us to interact with the client first. Your thoughts, experiences?

  15. How do you choose a frame, and to know when to adjust it? Pg 60-63

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