I hope each and everyone of you had the opportunity to get somewhere that makes your joy soar! My husband and I got to slip away to Sanibel Island, Florida. But, I'll share a bit more about that and my autonomic response when we meet on May 2nd.
Buckeye Brainspotting Network of Ohio Peer Support Group
First Monday of each Month @ 1:00pm Eastern.
Peer support meetings help you grow your understanding of Brainspotting through group discussion and questions, dyad work to help you build your skills, and networking with other Brainspotting practitioners.
Click below to link to the Facebook invite to the next BBNO Peer Support Group.
May 2nd we will be discussing Trataka Meditation: Still Eyes, Still Mind- Live and Dare. You can read the article here.
Book of the Month
June Discussion @ BBNO Peer Support Group!
How can this theory be used with Brainspotting?
There is a recent controversy with this theory. What are your thoughts?
Polyvagal Theory debunked : the myth of social engagement
Polyvagal Theory: Background & Criticism
The Dark Side of Polyvagal Theory
Guest of the Month
June Presentation @ BBNO Peer Support Group
Meet Rachel Duhon
I am a person who, just like you, has experienced the ups and downs of life. I have felt the pain of not being understood. I have experienced the frustration of not understanding what was happening inside of my own body. This has deeply informed my mission as a therapist. I aim to help you understand yourself, to see and heal the wounds you carry, and to help you feel fully alive as a person in your relationships.
Learn more by clicking on her website:
Welcome to our New Member:
Charles Roberts. Check out his profile on the website.
The Featured Spot!
Jennifer Beich LPC
Jennifer Beich has been a huge supporter and promoter of Brainspotting. I met Jen at my first training in Springboro, Ohio. She was an assistant to the fabulous Dr. Christine Ranck.
Her private practice, NEURObloom Counseling LLC is on a short hiatus. She is currently moving out of state and will revisit her love for Brainspotting in the future. Good luck Jen. You will be missed!
"Brainspotting directly accesses areas of the brain where trauma resides and provides a unique method of communicating with the trauma in its own language. In contrast to traditional interventions, brainspotting allows the counselor to simply hold sacred space with the client as healing of mind and body takes place gently and organically."
If you would like to be the Buckeye Featured Spot click here
What's New? What's Going on?
Kristen and Nikki are doing a fabulous job keeping us all up to date on the happenings of the Brainspotting Community. Check it out!
Recording Access Extended: Thanks to RMBI, access to the 2021 Conference Recordings has been extended to July 11, 2023, giving you an extra year to learn from the brilliant Brainspotters who presented at the conference!
A lot of new trainings, webinars, and groups are popping up. Take the time for professional development.
Look into your local professional development group.
Are you connected on line/ on Facebook with other Counselors in Ohio. I enjoy three groups: Dayton, Ohio Therapist and Counselor Network Group & Miami Valley Counseling Association, & Ohio Based Mental Health Therapist/Social Service Providers
Upcoming Events
(thanks Brooke Randolph)
Specialty Trainings
May 2-3 Connecting the Rainbow: Brainspotting for Perinatal Trauma with Jana Glass (EST)
Phase Trainings
May 11-13 Phase 1 St. Louis with Melanie Young & Cherie Lindberg
June 24-26 Phase 1 (Central time zone) with Mariya Javed and Joy Myong
August 12-14 Phase 1 (Central time zone) with Melanie Young & Cherie Lindberg
September 11-13, 18-19 Phase 1 through the Perinatal Lens with Jana Glass and Roby Abeles (evenings EST)
~Are you someone who loves to post on social media?
~Writing is your thing?
~Maybe you like to lead and organize?
~Do you have a green thumb for technology?
~There are many little ways to contribute to help keep this support network going on a monthly basis. Working together to help post on the Facebook page, writing something for the blog, updating the website, leading the monthly peer group every once-in-awhile, finding speakers for the monthly groups, or being a speaker are just a few ways to PITCHin...
THE Buckeye Brainspotting Website
This is a place for clients to learn about Brainspotting and get connected with a therapist or access resources. Clinicians are invited to utilize this site for networking, support, resources, and connecting to the international world of Brainspotting. THE Buckeye Brainspotting Mission is to inform, connect, and support all people engaged in any capacity of Brainspotting to further our reach and expand to the International Brainspotting Community.